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Calling All Writers! Contribute to Broxtown
Broxtown is inviting writers, storytellers, and community members in Broxbourne to share their stories with us! As a small team, we rely on contributions from locals who know the community best – everyone is welcome to pitch a story idea.
Before you start writing, send your article pitch to [email protected], and we’ll discuss your idea to see if it’s a fit for the newsletter. Please review our submission guidelines below before reaching out.
Submission Guidelines
Features: Up to 300 words highlighting a community organisation or project. Write in a relaxed, first-person style about how the project started, who’s involved, and its impact on Broxbourne.
Interviews: Up to 300 words focused on a community member with an active role or unique perspective on an important topic in Broxbourne.
Comment: Up to 300 words offering a unique viewpoint on a local subject.
Events: Up to 150 words previewing or reviewing an event. Event organisers are welcome to share articles about their plans.
Letters: Up to 150 words on local topics. Include your name and either your street or organisation’s name.
Listings: Community listings for low-cost local events should include the event name, location, date and time, a brief description, and cost.
Please note that not all submissions can be included in Broxtown, but we’ll confirm via email if we plan to feature your article. We also welcome pitches for original news stories from professional journalists.
Get in touch – we can’t wait to share Broxbourne’s stories with our readers!